We loved the Fat Flush so much that we decided to go for it for another 5 days after taking a few off. It's an amazing way to kid start your program
You can order yours here http://thepatrioticpeacock.storenvy.com
or check out www.facebook.com/ThePatrioticPeacock

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My husband and I had such great success with the Five Day Fat Flush this round that we are stoked about doing it again this week! We both have previously done the fat flush perhaps 3 times and did great and Always have brilliant success. This time we are hitting it hard, no slips, no cheats. It's time to kick it into gear full time for our little girl. She needs us!

What is the Fat Flush? The Fat Flush is a comprehensive 5 day meal plan that was designed by none other than our Famous Health and Fitness expert Clark Bartram (we are friends, I love him and most importantly my 3 year old daughter has a super crush on him and everytime we see him she just wants to bat her little eyes and smile then get kisses). Anyway, I digress! You follow this amazing meal plan for 5 days while taking a detox supplement called Co-Clenz (available in my store). It will kick start your metabolism, throw your body into fat burning beast mode and regulate your digestive tract ridding it of all of that stored poop. YES POOP! Everyone needs to poop and more than once a day to have a healthy Digestive system! After those five days you start or continue on with whichever routine you were following previously, whether it be weight watchers or ACE WOOT HOLLA YES! ACE rocks my world and it really should be rocking yours too!

A day in the life of us during the fat flush is pretty easy. EAT, EAT, EAT, EAT, EAT some more, take co-clenz and go to bed. Wake up and lose pounds!!! It's pretty easy and amazing!

I can't wait to share my progress at the end of the week with y'all~
ACE It does the body good! To purchase ACE or any of the Saba Products that you see in my recipes such as ToppFast Protein shake mix, you can go to www.patrioticpeacock.com or www.facebook.com/thepatrioticpeacock

if you were interested in joining my amazing record breaking team, watch the inspiring video here and click GET STARTED
http://thepatrioticpeacock.sababuilder.com or email me for more info at [email protected]

Here are the essentials to a Frappe Protein Smoothie. Now mind you that I had to make it twice because the first time would have made you bounce off the walls all day in a coffee induced ADD fit.  This is SOOOOO GOOD, my husband and I drank enough for 4 people. Eh not so great when you are trying to lose weight but darn it we just couldn't pass it up. Next time, I shall make less but on the upside on a lazy Sunday morning, my husband is just ready to rock and roll like woohooo let's clean house. Let's go run errands, go have a lunch date! Normally it's like dragging a teenager out of bed early in the morning to go to school. Alas, I found his kryptonite, it makes him weak, too weak to resist!!

Note: This makes enough for 2 people so if you need a single serving then simply cut recipe in half
2 scoops of Chocolate Toppfast Protein Mix
1 tbsp of blue agave
2 cups of almond milk/Coconut milk *would be sooo creamy*
20 ice cubes
2 heaping teaspoons of Instant coffee
1 tsp of cocoa powder

Adjustments: if you are NOT dairy free or paleo then feel free to add some greek yogurt of extra creaminess or some splenda/stevia/sugar for your sweetener. 

Just toss it all in your blender or ninja (god I love this thing) and BLEND!! amazingness in 30 seconds or less! now if you aren't dairy free you can grab some whipped cream for the top sprinkle a little cocoa and straw. Voila! kick start your day with less guilt

Look at these amazing results AND he is still rocking out dropping those pounds and melting those inches!! Such an inspiration! ACE is transforming his life both physically and financially as he is also a team member~ www.facebook.com/ThePatrioticPeacock

I completely and utterly splurged on myself the other day. Something that I never do as I tend to get a lot of guilt. I often think, man I could use that money on xyz for the house or the family etc. Perhaps that is just the mommy in me or simple the frugile side of me. I am a saver, I love to save and plan. However, not this week! I decided, I work hard for my family,  I'm working hard to get healthy and beat this auto-immune disease and get back into shape so alas I bought myself a NINJA! Holy moly batman is this thing brilliant. I could live on a liquid diet for the rest of my life.
Soooooo speaking of Ninja, my amazing pumpkin smoothie was brilliantly delicious! My husband and I loved it so much we are planning our next attack~ A "frozen coffee" smoothie for tomorrow~ Stay tuned for that awesomeness~
The recipe is quite simple and you may have everything you need at home. Note: My recipe makes enough for 2 people simply cut in half to make a single serving

2 cups Coconut Milk (you may use almond, soy, hemp or regular milk if you prefer)
15-20 ice cubes
1 tbsp Blue Agave (you can sub for stevia or whichever sweetener you prefer)
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp pumpkin spice
1/2 tsp ground ginger (you can grate fresh)
1.5 cups of pumpkin puree
2 scoops of Vanilla ToppFast Protein shake mix (available at http://www.facebook.com/Thepatrioticpeacock)

Simply toss it all in your blender and MIX it to delish heaven~

I really could have drank a gallon of this but alas that would not be great on my scale now would it?
Enjoy it truly tastes like pie. Who can't get healthy and lose weight with PIE?
Rockin her ACE! Join The Movement today!

What screams summer deliciousness more than fresh corn and peppers? CHECK THIS OUT!! Ack I can't wait to make this. I follow a blog called "Closet Cooking", he is a brilliant little home cook. Simply delish! He posted an amazing recipe for Jalepeno Popper Fritters.

Now for us Paleo Peeps, simply swap out the flour for Almond Flour and cheese/dressing for coconut or almond milk etc.

Head over to his blog and show him some foodie love~ http://www.closetcooking.com/2013/07/jalapeno-popper-corn-fritters.html
just drool over this amazing photo he took of his fritters? Doesn't it make you want to eat them right now?? with a nice side of fresh cool watermelon?
To check out the full write up and recipe head over to it's creator http://www.tessadomesticdiva.com/2012/11/paleo-pepperoni-pizza-casserole-2.html  and give her a little love! Fabulous blog, insanely amazing recipes. I think she is my new favorite blog!

Also don't forget to check out www.facebook.com/Thepatrioticpeacock
or follow us on twitter @PatrioticPeacoc (yes no k!)

I made this recipe tonight. Like melt in your mouth, totally curbs that craving for pizza and I honestly thought it was way better!! No sluggish ugh feeling afterwards like when you eat too much! The creator Tessa is quite brilliant. Thank you pinterest for this amazing find!!

Here is the recipe:
INGREDIENT NOTE:  To roast a spaghetti squash, halve the squash
lengthwise and scoop out the seeds.  Place face down on a parchment lined
cookie sheet.  Sprinkle 2-3 tablespoons water around the edges of the
squash and roast in a 375 degree oven for about 30-40 minutes.  DO NOT
OVER-BAKE!!  You want your noodles al-dente, not mushy!  Remove from
the oven, flip up, let cool, and then use a fork to pull the threads out!


  • 1 pound grass-fed ground beef

  • 8 ounces chopped pepperoni, divided (we like Applegate Farms w/ no nitrates
    and dairy free)

  • 1 small onion, diced small

  • 4 cloves garlic, minced

  • 1 teaspoon sea salt (or more to taste)

  • 1 teaspoon EACH oregano, basil, and thyme

  • 4 cups roasted spaghetti squash noodles (apx, see cooking notes above)

  • 2 cups favorite spaghetti sauce – we use my Homemade Blender Pasta

  • 2 eggs

  • 1/2 cup Daiya mozzarella cheese or pecorino romano, and few tablespoons
    extra for sprinkling, optional


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

  2. In a large skillet over medium heat, saute the ground beef, 1/2 of the
    pepperoni, onion, and garlic.

  3. As the ground meat cooks, sprinkle in the seasonings.  Taste 
    (when cooked!) and add more to your liking if necessary.

  4. In a large bowl, mix the warm beef mixture, spaghetti sauce, squash threads,
    eggs, and cheese of choice.

  5. Place into a greased casserole dish ( I used a 9 X 9).

  6. Top with the remaining pepperoni and a sprinkling of cheese.

  7. Bake for 30 minutes, or until golden and bubbly.

This is how my husband and I start our day! What I have dubbed the "saba smoothie". Vitamin PACKED with a full days of vits! tons of energy, protein and of course ACE to get me through the day!! so delish!
Get yours at www.facebook.com/thepatrioticpeacock
or shop at http://thepatrioticpeacock.storenvy.com

So people have asked, what is our meal plan? How do we eat? What is our foodie lifestyle? One word.......... PALEO ok maybe two words.. Low Carb.

Having auto-immune disease, it's important to stay away from inflammation inducing foods and well starchy carbs are high on that list! no refined sugary products, the only packaged anything we buy is our saba products and condiments (and of course some things for the kiddo). With Fally (the princess) and her disease it's really important that we try to eliminate any outside sources that can cause inflammation so it's important to us to follow this way of life the best we can for her. Of course we stray, we enjoy a meal out, snacks at the theatre (cough popcorn cough) every once in awhile! that is normal. If you deprive yourself that is how you crash and burn!

This is our fridge. The few packaged things and milk you see are for our little girl otherwise we don't use them.  She drinks a lot of milk with vitamin and iron mixes put in because she has a difficult time chewing so we do a lot of liquid nutrients with her. She is in Feeding therapy as one of her 4 kinds of therapy so hopefully that will be a thing of the past soon enough. So for us you will see......Whole Foods, fresh foods, eggs, proteins that is it!!
An example of a daily menu for us would be:

Breakfast: Saba Smoothie
Snack: berries
Lunch: boneless chicken and squash
Snack: raw veggies (and my guilty ranch or sour cream with lime don't judge lol)
Dinner: tonight was grilled pork loin, grilled asparagus
Snack: nothing tonight but my husband and I snack on really whatever is cooked either left overs or we make beef jerky love it home made!

The key is to eat enough all day to keep your body revving that metabolism and keeping you from ever being hungry. If you aren't hungry then you aren't going to binge or reach for junk!

Just another ACE success story! Start your journey today

Get your Fat Flush on here http://thepatrioticpeacock.storenvy.com

Kick ACE and taking names! Yes ma'am! Day two of the fat flush under way and my husband has lost 4 pounds. I have not stepped on the scale and I refuse to. I want the BIG surprise at the end. So any guesses on how much I will lose in these 5 days? huh huh huh?  well to give you an inside peek at some of the amazing things that I have been eating on the fat flush take a look at this beauty!

Let me start off by saying, I love eggs.  My brother even calls me the egg queen
from time to time (a title I really don't mind).  If you're in the mood for
something a bit more savory, this is your breakfast.The preparation is very low
maintenance, and the simple ingredients can easily be modified with whatever is
already in your fridge.  The tomatoes and kale can be cleaned and chopped the
night before, leaving just the sautéing and assembly for the morning. This
recipe works perfect in a cast iron skillet, but don't worry if you don't have
one handy.  Just sautee the tomatoes and kale, then transfer to an oven-safe
baking dish.  I happened to already have a loaf of herb whole grain bread, and
realized that a slice of it is the perfect flavor for dipping into the

Tomato, Kale and Feta Baked Eggs

serves 2-4

1 cup
grape tomatoes, sliced in half

4-5  kale leaves, washed and

1/3 cup crumbled fat-free feta

1/4 cup fat-free half and

1/2 tbsp butter

4 eggs

salt + pepper
Preheat oven
to 350.  Sprinkle salt and pepper over sliced tomatoes, and place on a medium
heat skillet. Let them cook for about a minute.  Cut butter into small pieces,
and add with kale.  Stir together, adding salt and pepper to taste.  Once
everything is lightly sauteed, remove from heat.  Sprinkle crumbled feta across
mixture.  With a spoon, make four smalls wells, crack one egg into each.  Pour
the fat-free half and half around the eggs.  Bake for 18-20 minutes, or until
eggs are cooked to your liking.  Serve with herbed whole grain toast for
dipping.  YOU CAN SUB spinach for kale! http://ow.ly/i/2I5tx

Woot! Get your skinny on! Join my group for some amazing team support!