LOVE my ACE and other Saba Products!! Don't miss out and join us today ORDER YOUR ACE www.patrioticpeacock.com

I just don't have a picture to do it justice! the most amazing blend of Ranch, Cilantro and jalapeno gives it just the right kick and guess what??????? GLUTEN FREE, DAIRY FREE, ATKINS Friendly and PALEO Friendly woot woot WIN WIN for us all! AND NO MSG!

Here is an amazing Low calorie, delicious and dairy free

So first you need to get yourself an air tight container such as a mason jar. You want to mix up yourself your very own dry ranch dressing mix. AND this is ALL That you need to do that to create amazing Ranch variations of our best dishes!!

NOW A SIDE NOTE: ALL THINGS PALEO YOU MAY WANT TO SUB YOUR Mayonnaise for an Avocado oil preparation so that it best suits your needs!

Dry Ranch Mix (this makes far more than you need so store it in an air tight container. It is AMAZE-BALLS on chicken or sprinkled on veg before you roast them):
Black Pepper ¼ cup
Flakes 1 1/2 cup
Salt ½ cup
Salt- 2 teaspoons
Garlic ¼ cup
Onion 3/4 cup
Weed 2 Tablespoons

SO now that we got that out of the way, those of you who DO NOT Follow any of the nutritional guidelines that I have previously mentioned you can make substitutions (you can use regular milk, you can use one dry packet of hidden valley ranch mix while it will still taste great it will be higher in calories, fat and carbs. I also find that with using coconut milk, the dressing is wonderfuly creamy)

the recipe for the amazing Cilantro Jalapeno Ranch Dressing is as follows:
1 cup of Unsweetened Coconut Milk
1 Cup of Light Mayonnaise (hellman's IS the best!)
3/4 cups of chopped fresh cilantro
3 whole jalapeno peppers that have been diced
2 tablespoons of your dry ranch mix.

TAKE ALL of these fantastic ingredients and put them into an immersion blender, regular blender or I personally used my NINJA

simply blend and voila!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I even took the time to calculate the nutritional info. One serving is 2 tablespoons. (be sure to let chill overnight or at least a few hours to let the flavors meld. For more heat, you can add an extra jalapeno. I like a kick but not where I'm from a tongue inferno.

here they are, you are very welcome~~mandy

Amount Per

 Calories  36.7
 Total Fat  3.5 g
 Saturated Fat  0.5 g
 Polyunsaturated Fat  2.5 g
 monounsaturated Fat  1.0 g
 Cholesterol  4.5 mg
 Sodium  125.0 mg
 Potassium  9.4 mg
 Total Carbohydrate  1.2 g
 Dietary Fiber  0.1 g
 Sugars  0.2 g
 Protein  0.1 g
We loved the Fat Flush so much that we decided to go for it for another 5 days after taking a few off. It's an amazing way to kid start your program
You can order yours here http://thepatrioticpeacock.storenvy.com
or check out www.facebook.com/ThePatrioticPeacock

Are you interested in getting your products at wholesale cost? sign up for our preferred customer, NO contract and NO time requirement! Just sign up and get everything at wholesale

My husband and I had such great success with the Five Day Fat Flush this round that we are stoked about doing it again this week! We both have previously done the fat flush perhaps 3 times and did great and Always have brilliant success. This time we are hitting it hard, no slips, no cheats. It's time to kick it into gear full time for our little girl. She needs us!

What is the Fat Flush? The Fat Flush is a comprehensive 5 day meal plan that was designed by none other than our Famous Health and Fitness expert Clark Bartram (we are friends, I love him and most importantly my 3 year old daughter has a super crush on him and everytime we see him she just wants to bat her little eyes and smile then get kisses). Anyway, I digress! You follow this amazing meal plan for 5 days while taking a detox supplement called Co-Clenz (available in my store). It will kick start your metabolism, throw your body into fat burning beast mode and regulate your digestive tract ridding it of all of that stored poop. YES POOP! Everyone needs to poop and more than once a day to have a healthy Digestive system! After those five days you start or continue on with whichever routine you were following previously, whether it be weight watchers or ACE WOOT HOLLA YES! ACE rocks my world and it really should be rocking yours too!

A day in the life of us during the fat flush is pretty easy. EAT, EAT, EAT, EAT, EAT some more, take co-clenz and go to bed. Wake up and lose pounds!!! It's pretty easy and amazing!

I can't wait to share my progress at the end of the week with y'all~
Rockin her ACE! Join The Movement today!

What screams summer deliciousness more than fresh corn and peppers? CHECK THIS OUT!! Ack I can't wait to make this. I follow a blog called "Closet Cooking", he is a brilliant little home cook. Simply delish! He posted an amazing recipe for Jalepeno Popper Fritters.

Now for us Paleo Peeps, simply swap out the flour for Almond Flour and cheese/dressing for coconut or almond milk etc.

Head over to his blog and show him some foodie love~ http://www.closetcooking.com/2013/07/jalapeno-popper-corn-fritters.html
just drool over this amazing photo he took of his fritters? Doesn't it make you want to eat them right now?? with a nice side of fresh cool watermelon?
This is how my husband and I start our day! What I have dubbed the "saba smoothie". Vitamin PACKED with a full days of vits! tons of energy, protein and of course ACE to get me through the day!! so delish!
Get yours at www.facebook.com/thepatrioticpeacock
or shop at http://thepatrioticpeacock.storenvy.com

So people have asked, what is our meal plan? How do we eat? What is our foodie lifestyle? One word.......... PALEO ok maybe two words.. Low Carb.

Having auto-immune disease, it's important to stay away from inflammation inducing foods and well starchy carbs are high on that list! no refined sugary products, the only packaged anything we buy is our saba products and condiments (and of course some things for the kiddo). With Fally (the princess) and her disease it's really important that we try to eliminate any outside sources that can cause inflammation so it's important to us to follow this way of life the best we can for her. Of course we stray, we enjoy a meal out, snacks at the theatre (cough popcorn cough) every once in awhile! that is normal. If you deprive yourself that is how you crash and burn!

This is our fridge. The few packaged things and milk you see are for our little girl otherwise we don't use them.  She drinks a lot of milk with vitamin and iron mixes put in because she has a difficult time chewing so we do a lot of liquid nutrients with her. She is in Feeding therapy as one of her 4 kinds of therapy so hopefully that will be a thing of the past soon enough. So for us you will see......Whole Foods, fresh foods, eggs, proteins that is it!!
An example of a daily menu for us would be:

Breakfast: Saba Smoothie
Snack: berries
Lunch: boneless chicken and squash
Snack: raw veggies (and my guilty ranch or sour cream with lime don't judge lol)
Dinner: tonight was grilled pork loin, grilled asparagus
Snack: nothing tonight but my husband and I snack on really whatever is cooked either left overs or we make beef jerky love it home made!

The key is to eat enough all day to keep your body revving that metabolism and keeping you from ever being hungry. If you aren't hungry then you aren't going to binge or reach for junk!

Amazing ACE progress! Check out our site
Join our Team http://thepatrioticpeacock.sababuilder.com

Follow us on Instagram : PatrioticPeacock

Fat FLUSH ROCKED!!!!!!!!!!!! My husband ended his 5 day fat flush with an wonderful loss of 5 pounds even though his will power is weak and he still needed his daily coffee with his French vanilla cream and splenda as well as his breakfast bars haha! MEN! I ended my 5 day with 8 pounds lost WOOT however........... that was sort lived. NOT because the program doesn't work, because it does! We took our little girl to a movie and OF COURSE my husband had to get a huge bucket of popcorn and OF COURSE popcorn is my most favorite snack on earth and after rocking the week, BLAHHHHHHHHHHH I ate a bunch. I suffer terribly from the salt and retain water for days! DAYS my fingers are like little Vienna sausages as I type this right now.

So alas, of course I am up on the scale a few pounds but I know once this fluid retention is gone, I shall be loving my scale again!

What are some of your weaknesses?
What are you strengths when it comes to weight loss motivation?
Any tips or tricks that you may have? you know that ACE in the Hole!

For me one thing that always rocks my socks off is what I have dubbed the "Saba Smoothie". It's an amazing blend of Ice, bananas, Coconut Milk, Vanilla ToppFast (protein mix from saba) Leva (energy drink mix with FULL servings of vitamins) and I actually open and empty two ACE capsules into the blender and VROOM! I am zooming happy and full of energy ALL day long while my belly is satisfied! Do you have any go to meals/drinks?

If you want more info of my saba smoothie feel free to comment or message me at http://www.facebook.com/ThePatrioticPeacock

Today is the beginning of the new journey, a healthy me. THE FINAL chapter in my weight loss adventure. I have resigned to the fact that I will never be a waif. I am only 5'4" ish so I will never be super model sexy and I am sooooo ok with that. I personally like being able to buy clothes off the rack and not have this immense expectation of perfection. I'm a curvy girl, I always have been since I moved on from elementary school. I have never been over weight until pregnancy and then I LET IT ALLLLLLL GO DOWN HILL!!! Not anymore. I am nearing 40 years old, I have a lot of medical issues that are all auto-immune related and the best way for me to combat that problems is to be as fit as I possibly can.  With having a special needs child, I NEED to be a my peak level of health. She needs me to be here for a long long time for her. I am her rock, her support, what will happen if I can't even take care of myself because I'm too overweight or too tired from the fatigue related to being obese. So..........here.......we..........go folks!

Today, I filled the house with our normal fare, fresh fruits, veggies and proteins. I set up a meal plan based on our amazing Clark Bartram's 5 day Fat Flush. YES I AM doing a 5 day fat flush. It is NOT a cleanse or fast. I will be eating and plenty!! However, the best thing for me as a diabetic, a blood type A+, and auto-immune disease prone is to cut out starch and refined sugar. I KNOW that I can and will lose all of my weight but I just can not eat those things. I will always gain it back, I will always become sluggish, my blood sugar will spike and drop out of control. I need to stick with WHOLE FOODS! that is it and that is what I like. Now, I am totally going to enjoy a slice of pizza here and there, a slice of cake at my baby girl's birthday party or a bit of popcorn on family movie night but these things will not be regular parts of my lifestyle on a daily basis as they routinely can be.

I am excited to start this journey with you all. Feel free to join me, ask for guidance, recipes, what my meal plan is. I am an open book. I will post a before picture soon enough as utterly embarrassing as it is, I need it for posterity sake. 

SO tomorrow, July 24th....day one of the fat flush. 
oh and side note, my husband started the fat flush yesterday and lost 3lbs already! ugh men suck
Just a small intro about me and what makes me tick, without sounding too much like an autobiography or singles ad.  I am a 36 year old mama, Military wife, Nurse turned stay at home mom to an amazingly brilliant special needs child and small business owner. 

I am a dork as in Total GEEK like no other, I love 80s movies and rocking out in the car with my 3 year old singing and dancing like maniacs in the car. I get a dork hard on for all things medicine and science. I have been called Britannica by many people due to my photographic memory and insane mind full of useless trivia on just about anything!

I LOVE to run thought I am currently a fat ass and the thought of running to the bathroom makes me sweat! I am on a mission to get fit and fabulous for not just me but my daughter. I love to be silly and goof off with my husband and daughter, hang out at home and just do nothing. We are pretty big home bodies since the Hubs deploys a lot, we like to savior our limited time together. 

With that being said, I am a lover of all things CARB and CHEESE!!! Sadly, both are my nemesis as I am a diabetic and carbs are my kryptonite. I am overweight, Normally I am fit but just a bit fluffy after pregnancy however I sort of let myself go this last year and a half. I am trying to climb my way back to being healthy and fit.  Our 3 year old little girl Fally has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (I will write more about that another time). With her rare genetic disease comes a lot of therapy, 5 days a week in fact and some days twice. This has been our routine for almost 2 years now. I've become comfortable in being lazy and living just for her. I've found comfort in yummy snackage while sitting at night trying to enjoy my few short minutes of peace alone as I've never been without her because she just needs her mama!

We are a military family and yes we move often. My husband deploys often enough to have been on 5 year long tours to the Middle East. Life is chaotic to say the least but if it means our princess is getting stronger, I wouldn't change our craziness for the world.

I started my own home business as a distributor for Saba/ACE a little over a year ago in search of a tool to help with my terrible carb cravings and low and behold I LOVED IT! Lost an amazing amount of weight with it and I started selling it. I have zero plans on ever leaving this amazing company, it's truly changed my life. HOWEVER, I stopped taking ACE last November when Fally had a Stroke and due to stress and fear of something happening to her, I ATE MY FAT ASS BACK to heffalump size. I AM guilty of being a stress eater! I just can't help it. I'm working on ways to combat that problem but for now, I am starting back on ACE on Monday July 15th. So do please follow my journey and if I crash, kick me in the ass. I NEED to get healthy and back in shape. The older Fally gets, the harder it is to carry her everywhere. She is a hair under 40 pounds and lugging her around HURTS! Especially when I'm carrying my own extra baggage. Now getting back to ACE! LOVE my company, I've been quite successful thus far so much that we are going to our company's annual conference in Oklahoma City tomorrow and I have been asked to speak about my success, what the company has done for me and my family and what drives me to keep on building such an incredible business! It is such an honor for me to be asked when I have only been with the company for a year! My goal is by our next OKC event in July 2014, IM A SEXY BITCH RAWR!!!!!!!!!!

Anyhow, I ramble, I am an open book feel free to ask me anything. You will see a lot of variety here from bullshit babble to healthy posts, updates about my daughter, Inspirational updates from my customers and fellow associates! Thank you so much for taking a moment to get to know me.